There are many modeling techniques and methods, and I must admit that I am not an expert in opamps. The latest discussion with @Cornel is about his request to add an output voltage limit to the single-pole opamp model, which is derived from the LTspice symbol opamp and the opamp.lib library.
I agree that your model is an option for a single-pole opamp, including output limit and output impedance. I noticed that you quoted the book “Switch-Mode Power Supplies Spice Simulations and Practical Designs.” Is the opamp model mentioned in that book? I have a copy of the book, so could you please let me know where I can find this model?
I recall our previous discussion comparing this model with the Qspice RRopAmp, and one of the main concerns was a “spike” in the output.
Generic OpAmp problems - QSPICE - Qorvo Tech Forum
I am not an expert in opamp modeling, but I would like to share my observation that commercial opamp model with similar characteristics. Therefore, I believe that the Qspice RRopAmp from Mike should address the characteristics of a rail-to-rail opamp. Opamps are complex devices with various types. We don’t have to struggle too much in determining which one is correct, as different device models can be suitable for different areas or applications. I don’t think it’s necessary to jump to the conclusion based on characteristics we are not familiar with. We all have our own preferences in simulations, so choose what best suits your needs and don’t rule out anything, as it may be helpful in certain situations in the future.
TI TLV9102 Rail-to-Rail Opamp model
Or, AD AD8676 Rail-to-Rail Opamp model