Matlab2Qspice : A Matlab scripting interface for Qspice

For Matlab users, I would like to share my Matlab function for Qspice.
It works with QSPICE’s command-line interface to load QSPICE schematic (.qsch) or output data (.qraw) into memory for plotting in Matlab.

Purpose of this project is to allow user to directly load .qraw in binary format. Qspice waveform viewer currently not support Cartesian representation, Nyquist or Smithchart (or we may have a unique way for data plot), plot data into these formats require extra step to export data from waveform viewer and load into Matlab. Therefore, this project is to eliminate the need of manual data export to work in Matlab.

This is an open-source project hosted on GitHub.

Github - Matlab2Qspice: Matlab Interface for QSPICE


This is an example of loading a schematic file (.qsch) and to plot in Smithchart S11, Impedance Plot and Cartesian representation.



I am trying to use the Matlab2Qspice package on GitHub and for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to access the raw simulation data in the Matlab workspace after running a stepped simulation. I have a simulation of a 555 timer astable circuit and what I ultimately want to do is to sweep the amplitude and frequency of a sinusoidal current source being injected into the astable timing capacitor node. I parameterize the parameters for the sinusoid (amplitude and frequency) and those parameters are stepped over a range in the Qspice simulation. The start and stop of the parameter being stepped is to be written by matlab to a .param file which is read into the simulation by Qspice. Lets say the simulation is stepped 100 times. I want to run the stepped simulation and then read the simulation data for all 100 simulations into Matlab and perform some cusom waveform analysis on all the simulation results. Can someone enlighten me how to use the Matlab2Qspice release on GitHub to do this task.
Jeff Klaus

A demo of 3 parameters .step can be found by running Matlab2Qspice_example_demo.m to open “step testcircuit(.tran 3param).qsch”. This is a simple example, but to show what operation to handle .qraw with step data.

It is a bit tricky in handling .qraw with .step data, as if you study .qraw raw data, all channel is one-dimension, and headers suggest if it is a parameter. My decision was to use a struct variable to store step related information like index range for each step data. This may not be the best way as my major is not programming. But my major concern is that I have to seek a way such that I can finally plot .meas into contour with Matlab.

In qraw_parser.m, there is help explaining variable that help in formatting for .step.

If this cannot help, please upload or send your .qsch to me for review. As when I read you message, it seems that you are loading parameter externally, and I am not sure if this require a unique handling.


Hi Kelvin,
Does Cross-tool support available in qspice, like using MATLAB code for control loops and qspice can be called by another tool like MATLAb to do the analysis and put the result back in MATLAB.??

I don’t think there is a way for Matlab and Qspice to simulate a circuit together.


Also can we monitor the real time data in Qspice.
Like every pulse width we want to see the data.
.MEAS command is a post process measurement value, if i want to see any data in real time is there any way to do that??

I think you can perform measurement during simulation, as long as you have a way in processing that. For example, I have a C++ DLL block to measure signal freq, duty and count, from a comparator input. I have this DLL block upload to my Github in Symbol directory.
(I think C++ DLL block should deal what you need, from control to measurement)

real-time-meas.qsch (6.2 KB)
[also download signal_counter.dll and put into same directory to run this simulation]



Also do you have any example of closed loop control of buck converter/inverter by using C++ Block?
If its available then it would be great help.

refer to this project
C++ PID Controller for Qspice (Community Project) - QSPICE - Qorvo Tech Forum

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