Unable to import Infineon Mosfet Models


I am unable to import the MOSFET models from the Infineon site. The library file can be downloaded from the Infineon site: OptiMOS™ 5 80V/100V - Infineon Technologies

The .lib file contains several subckts. There is no way to create a symbol for one of the subckts if I copy paste the content.

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For library with several sub-circuits, you can call that library from subckt symbol.
A quick way to use a level 0 model from infineon OptiMOS is to take advantage from NMOS symbol. This is an example of a dc sweep for IAUTN06S5N008 level 0 subckt in OptiMOS_5_60V_LTspice.lib

highlight the procedure to convert NMOS symbol into a subckt

dc sweep simulation compares to datasheet


I’m doing the same thing for an OptimMOS5_150 part.
I followed your process and the part is working in circuit but i can’t probe it. It does not generate the current or the power of the part.

OptiMOS5_150V_LTSpice.txt (145.5 KB)

According to Mike, current monitor for subckt is not implemented in Qspice yet.
Plotting pin currents of custom created symbols - QSPICE - Qorvo Tech Forum

A MOSFET modeled by a .subckt (Symbol type : X), I normally use a 0V voltage source for current monitoring, just remember that current direction (+ve current) is from +ve to -ve terminal within voltage source. In default, if you hover and probe current of voltage source, it will auto assign a negative sign in plot, as in most cases, you would like to monitoring current coming out from voltage source. The fast trick is to hold SHIFT key to probe current in 0V voltage source, as it can give +ve current in plot.

I created a symbol for 0V voltage source for current probe purpose. This is exactly the same as 0V voltage source, only for visual purpose.

IProbe-0Vsrc.qsym (862 Bytes)


Awesome, thanks KSKelvin

CoolSiC_1200V_MOSFET_M2H_ofs_v3.txt (24.8 KB)

How do we handle MOSFETs with a Kelvin Source?