Transient time resolution limited to 2ps

I am trying to generate square signals with sharp rise/fall-times.
But the simulator seems to have an internal minimal time resolution of 2ps.

Here below is a simple netlist with 0.1ps-rise pulses but 2ps-rise times are generated. Altering the “maxstep” parameter does not help.

V1 x 0 PULSE 0 1 2p 0.1p 0.1p 4p 2µ
.tran 0 12p 0 1e-15
.plot V(x)
.options maxstep=1e-15

Is it possible to overcome this limitation?


Mike updated Qspice in response to your request.
10/02/2024 Implemented a .option culltime to allow one to select the minimum elapsed time required before dumping transient analysis data to disk.

To clarify, what is limited to 2ps is NOT the simulation timestep, but rather the CullTime that restricts the minimum time required to pass data points to be saved in the .qraw file. In general, this limitation is beneficial unless you are simulating picosecond-level applications.