System Hardfault when calling dwt_probe()

A contribution to people who use STM32CubeIDE (I don’t know way Qorvo does not explain this in the API guide !!! )

  1. Add in the linker script what is told in the API guide
    /* The program code and other data into “FLASH” Rom type memory /
    .text :
    . = ALIGN(4);
    __dw_drivers_start = .;
    __dw_drivers_end = .;
  2. Do not include the static library in the regular way, IT WILL NOT WORK! Do this instead (in my project I am using M4 core so I picked the suitable API library)

So you leave Libraries (-I) empty BUT in MCU G++ Linker Miscellaneous you add in “other flags” what is shown in the picture (remember to use a suitable API library for your core)

That´s it, easy if somebody tells you. Qorvo, why don’t you?