I see now that Raspberry Pi model 3B has new model 3B+
I also read the comparison and see that:
“Performance increases are always welcome and while there are always those in search of that bit extra processing power or network throughput, Power-over-Ethernet is almost certainly the hottest feature with the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+. It may at first seem like a niche capability, but the benefit of being able to run a device with network and power delivered by a single cable — and without a mess of power supplies and power cables — is not to be underestimated.”
However, I am not so sure that 3B+ is compatible with the requirements and the documentation outlined in DWM1001 Gateway Quick Deployment Guide.
please use: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B V1.2. See also this post:
Newer Raspberry 3 Model B+ cannot be used because it’s Gigabit Ethernet generates a lot of interrupts which influence the timing between the DWM Kernel Module and the DWM1001 running in Bridge Mode. Timing is very important to achieve the real-time properties of PANS.
What will happen if we use the latest 3B+ model via Ethernet? cannot get data from gateway? I am using the latest Raspberry 3 Model B+ but connected via WiFi network. Using the webmanager remotely I can see all anchors and tags with real-time location update. * I don’t have access to Ethernet yet.
on Raspberry 3 Model B+ there is Gigabit Ethernet. We have observed timing issues between the DWM Kernel Module and the DWM1001. The reason is that this Gigabit Ethernet driver/controller generate far more interrupts and takes more MCU time in the ISR. That influence the SPI timing with the DWM1001.
The Wifi is probably not so interrupt intensive so that’s why it works.