Implementation of a classic PLL 4046A-based

Dear all, checking already integrated behavioral models within QSPICE, I’ve encountered various ones associated to external controlled oscillators (5 versions), but corresponding help, according to me, does not illustrate sufficiently their single use.
In my specific case, I’m searching for a model whose operation is somehow like the VCO integrated within a classical 4046A PLL ICs. Here is a logic dia from the HC4046A datasheet :

Resistor R1 and capacitor C1 determine the frequency range of the VCO. Resistor R2 enables the VCO to have a frequency offset.

Is there anyone who has already come across this research and can give me some guidance on how to model the VCO in question with the behavioral models already present?
I found something similar in the following post (How to make a voltage controlled oscillator in simulation?), but I wouldn’t mind, if possible, to take advantage of what is already integrated in QSPICE, making full use of its features.

Alternatively, if there is one and if verified, a shared spice model of the entire HC4046A IC would be very much appreciated.

Many thanks