I am working on a project where i need an “base” and other moving objects.
When the objects gets to close to the base, an alarm should sound.
If possible i want to use Arduino.
I need your help to help me get started with the modules by getting them to measure the distance between each other.
You can start with this DW3/QM33 SDK to perform a two way ranging between the 2 modules.
This SDK supports DWM3001CDK (Small board in your picture) and DWM3000 EVB Shield (Big board in your picture)+ nRF52840 MCU.
Hi @Wassim_Qorvo
I am pretty new to this.
Can you help me a little more.
Do you have any code examples?
And what can i use the SDK for? is it a library for Arduino IDE or how does it work?
Hi @DanielBaekke , we are not supplying any Arduino code in our SDK unfortunately. If you want something in Arduino perhaps you can leverage the work from this forum post would be helpful: Arduino DW3000 library
Our SDK is in C with code examples for a CLI and UCI application. The default CLI application already has the ability to show the distance from 1 “base” to 8 other devices. I just published this tutorial yesterday to show that: Tutorial: How to Use DW3 QM33 SDK for One to Many FiRa Ranging Then the modification you would have to make is to look at the distance and decide if the alarm should turn on.