Developing firmware on MuRata Type 2AB module

Hi everyone,

I am trying to develop code for Type 2AB module from MuRata and I am facing issues on how to get started with the code development. I have successfully executed the “” script present in the QM33120WDK1 SDK obtained from the forum - QM33120WDK1 SDK Release. Please refer to the first link in the forum to access the SDK in question.
I have attached a screenshot of the file I am referring to below.

The Python script I mentioned is located in PythonScripts folder. I was able to run the script on Type 2AB EVKs and conduct demo testing as mentioned in the guide - S10286-Murata-QSG-Type2AB_UCI_CLI_FW_Quick_Start_Guide_Rev1.3-20240202.pdf on MuRata’s Qorvo based UWB software site.

As I am new to this type of code development I need assistance with understanding -

  1. Whether I need to use nRF connect SDK in VS code for programming the Type 2AB module?
  2. Most of the examples I saw in the SDK provided by Qorvo are written in C, while the examples provided in QM33120WDK1 folder mentioned in the guide are written in Python. So, which language should I start code development in?
  3. As the module uses MCU from Nordic semiconductors (nRF52840) and Qorvo’s QM33120 transceiver, do I need to refer to SDKs provided by both companies for code development?
  4. I saw a “Type 2AB developer guide” in the Documentation folder of the SDK I mentioned earlier, should I refer this for code development on Type 2AB module?
  5. Are there any additional resources for code development on the Type 2AB module?

Your timely response on this matter would be greatly appreciated!