I am trying to understand how exactly the antenna diversity switching works on the DW3210.
In the forum I’ve read that there really only is one switch after the SFD (here).
This makes me wonder how this works in other packet configurations? I.e. what happens if the STS is not directly after the SFD?
I assume that the chip records the preamble, switches antenna, and records the STS. Presumably, it then tries to find the better signal based on the two CIRs and then switches to the better antenna for the rest of the transmission. Is my understanding correct?
Is it correct that PDoA mode 3 does not use both antennas for the STS? I’ve only found a hint about this in the description of EVC_CPQE (page 214 of the DW3000 user manual), stating that PDoA mode 3 performs analysis on two halves of the STS, but whether these two sections are captured with the same or different antennas is not entirely clear.
First DW3210 is not an aoa part (it only has 1 rf port). So you could not calculate angle using this variant of DW3000 family.
1/ Frame packet needs to include STS for pdoa calculation.
For frame SP2 where STS is after payload, it’s the same principe the switch will be done on the STS.
2/ No, for the rest of the transmission it will use the antenna by default you set in the SW.
By default, it’s antenna 1. You can change it to antenna 2 using this function dwt_configure_rf_port(dwt_rf_port_selection_e rfPort, dwt_rf_port_ctrl_e enable);
3/ Pdoa mode 3 also uses the 2 antennas. The difference with Pdoa mode 1 is that it switch in the middle of the STS where PDoa mode 1 switches between SFD and STS.
For Pdoa mode 3, you need STS length to be multiple of 128.