What is the best way to define a source to present voltage/current characteristics as attached in the snapshot?
Is 50A and 100A the maximum current at those voltage conditions?
This is a slightly improved version of a power limited source. It uses conditional expressions to define the voltage in the three ranges of output current; 0-50 A, 50-100 A, >100 A. It also uses a 0 V source to measure the output current rather than a small resistor. It also uses a DC sweep rather than a ramped load current in a transient simulation to exercise the source.
The first version produces the correct voltage vs current profile, but the current through the source is not limited to 100 A. The second version adds current limiting to the source, which simplifies the conditional expression, but requires an additional ideal diode across the load to carry any current above the current limit.
power limited source.qsch (7.9 KB)
I tried to implement this idea in a switching circuit - i am trying to switch load on and to see dynamics with this specific source.
Any ideas what is wrong in my schematics?
power limited source _Alex.qsch (6.2 KB)
It looks like the transient solver doesn’t like the discontinuities in the B1 output voltage. I tried a couple of adjustments to eliminate the very high slope and the slope discontinuity when the current reaches Ilim, all with no success.
The current limited version of the source (which I think is more realistic) works without any issues. I attached a modified version of your schematic showing the correct operation of the current and power limited source.
power limited source CL_Alex.qsch (7.9 KB)