UWB to connect several devices in parallel while sharing the same RF channel?


I’m searching for a way to link several devices simultaneously using a fixed UWB RF channel for UWB data connection.
I was employed by Bluetooth, which operates between 2.4 and 2.48GHz (80MHz to 40 channels, each 2MHz) and allows for the interference-free connection of many devices every 2MHz.

Is there any alternative concept in DW1000 similar to BLE? I discovered a sub-banding technique online. Can I use Sub-Banding with DW1000 or DW3000 modules?

Thanks in advance

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He Velli,

In order to share the air across multiple UWB devices and use the same RF channel, you will have to implement a TDMA scheme so each devices are synchronised and receiving/transmitting in dedicated slots.

If you use the QM33 SDK 1.0, Qorvo is delivering some application implementating FiRa TWR with contains is a TDMA application. You can also build your custom application on top of the driver API (recommended for advanced users)