Update 19.12., bug

After today’s update I get this message when trying to simulate, NPN transistor from selection guide.

Fatal error: Could not open file “C:Program FilesQSPICENPN.txt”

Also, I get with other discrete semiconductor devices. Here for diode and same for MOSFET. I tried starting QSPICE as admin, but same result.

Best reagrds

FYI, I have this problem in slightly different form starting today also. “No such directory” followed by corrupted symbol path and *.qsch path. (The message has backslashes removed as does the OP.)


I’m having this issue too. The "" characters in the filename are missing and it can’t find the library. If I open the Symbol Properties, click on the Library File to open a browser and then point to the library, it fills in the correct path but still doesn’t run. I had to go in and put double slash “\” characters as dividers instead of single "" characters to get it to work. Must be a bug as I can’t imagine having to do this for every diode component.

Looks like the system removed the slash character within my previous responses. Same problem in the Forum chat as is in QSPICE.

I am also having this issue after updating today (Windows 11). I’m using one of the default selection options for a zener diode and getting the error “Fatal error: Could not open file “C:UsersjasonbQSPICEZener.txt””

Looks like it was just fixed… Close all QSpice instances and start again to get update.
