Trouble with Third Party Subcircuitand modified symbol

Hello Everyone, first of all I’m glad to discover this software coming from ltspice.

I have this third party model :

.SUBCKT DMTH10H009LPSQ 10 20 30


M1 1 2 3 3 NMOS L = 1E-006 W = 1E-006
RD 10 1 0.0015
RS 30 3 1E-006
RG 20 2 1.98
CGS 2 3 8.803E-009
EGD 12 0 2 1 1
VFB 14 0 0
FFB 2 1 VFB 1
CGD 13 14 4.14E-009
R1 13 0 1
D1 12 13 DLIM
DDG 15 14 DCGD
R2 12 15 1
D2 15 0 DLIM
.MODEL NMOS NMOS LEVEL = 3 VMAX = 8E+005 ETA = 0.001 VTO = 2.31

  • TOX = 6E-008 NSUB = 1E+016 KP = 228 U0 = 400 KAPPA = 5.856E-010
    .MODEL DCGD D CJO = 9.403E-010 VJ = 1 M = 0.875
    .MODEL DSUB D IS = 2.588E-010 N = 1.08 RS = 0.0019 BV = 105 CJO = 1.77E-009 VJ = 1 M = 0.211
    .MODEL DLIM D IS = 0.0001

When importing, it creates a rectangle with 3 ports named 10 20 30, this is expected and very nice, the model works right away.

BUT I wanted to modify port names, so as in the tutorial made by Mike Engelhardt ctrl+C into the symbol editor , hide the port name with the middle button, inser text and copy it back to the schematic.

Adding text to the symbol seems to cause problems, do you have any idea what might cause the problem ?

It returns Fatal error: Unknown subckt: x1 ¥0 ¥1 ¥2 x1•dmth10h009lpsq aaaa

“aaaa” being the text I added

Thanks in advance.

Hi, Punchy.

If I understand correctly, you need to change the text attribute of the names to “comment.”
