In order to implement useful Python scripts that could perform post-processing of the simulated data to obtain smoke analysis of our circuits, it results fundamental to have more arrows available. One is a way to evaluate the voltage drop between two pins of a component using only its reference designator and its pins name, avoiding the use of nodes name.
There is something sounding old in my mind, as an ancestral feature that could come from the first SPICE3 releases that I’ve studied in the eighties… but I cannot be sure of it. I remember a sort of syntax like V(R1:1,R1:2), or something like this, to identify the voltage drop btw pin 1 and pin 2 of the R1 device.
Concluding, it’s basically a question for developers: do you think it is possible to have a feature like this implemented on QSPICE soon?
So post processing makes it solve within the tool itself.
I was thinking if we could take the values of max, min parameters of voltage, current, power through tool.
And these value if i could export to excel and there I have comparing parameters where these values are compared as per the guidelines and we can perform stress analysis in that tool.
Yeap Shaurya, once all the typical electrical parameters for a specific electronic component will be easily available from the software, you can think to post elaborate them. It means extracting, for the example case of a bipolar transistor, voltage drops between its pins in the operating conditions simulated by QSPICE, evaluating, by means of a post-processing tool (I prefer Python but it’s not necessarily this), their peak/average values and comparing these data with the rated values reported within the datasheet of the specific component. At the same time, comparing the ratio between the measured values and the rated ones, you can obtain the stress ratio, useful in case of compliance checks respect to applicable standards (derating factors) or in case of further analysis. Similar arguments are applicable for other typical parameters (base and collector currents, power and junction temperature always in the specific case of a BJT part).
Some preliminary calculations (peak, average, rms and so on) could be performed by QSPICE itself, but it depends mostly on your preferences.
What, I think, is important to facilitate this process is to have access, by means of a proper syntax, to the voltage drops between each pin of a component, as described before. This approach philosophy is already applied to current and power parameters (i.e. I(R*) and P(R*) for the generic R*).
For all who don’t know, smoke analysis is usually only another way to call the stress analysis in electronic circuit design.
If we take out the voltage difference between the two nodes of a component say resistor or capacitor?? Would it be same as component pin voltage?
Beacause in netlist only nodes are available
Because you said avoiding the use of nodes name.
One is a way to evaluate the voltage drop between two pins of a component using only its reference designator and its pins name, avoiding the use of nodes name