Timestep too small Mosfet Gate drive

I’m new to working with electronics and I’m trying to control a high-side N-channel MOSFET. I’ve encountered an error in my circuit. Could someone please help me solve this problem?

IR2101.qsch (11.4 KB)
Parent.IR2101.qsch (16.6 KB)
IR2101.qsym (1.2 KB)

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Thank you alot, you’r my hero :smiley: I understand now :heart_eyes:

@bordodynov provided you with a behavioral model of the IR2101. You can also run the Infineon Pspice model from Qspice. Here is a replication of the Infineon demo circuit in Infineon-IR2101-PSpice-SimulationModels-v01_00-EN.zip

Two major things to pay attention to:

  1. In the Infineon demo circuit, its VCC source is a ramp source. This Pspice model seems to require a 0V VCC voltage at t=0 for this simulation to work. A direct DC source will fail this simulation.
  2. Possibly related to multiple formulas in the IR2101 model, 80-bit math (disable fast math) is required for Qspice to run this model.

In any case, a behavioral model will be much easier if you have no special concerns which MUST use the Pspice model from Infineon.

Parent.IR2101.qsch (25.3 KB)
IGBT_650V_TRENCHSTOP5_F5_L1.txt (50.8 KB)

Diagram from Infineon-IR2101-PSpice-SimulationModels-v01_00-EN.zip

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Thank you so much. This is exactly what I needed to know. Thank you again :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:

Also feel free to arrange symbols like the application schematic, and follow conventions for making schematics. Makes it easier to spot errors.