Timestamps in double buffer mode

I am using DW3000 with esp32. I have the problem with reading rx timestamps in double buffer mode. I use your API to communicate with the module. The issue is that everytime I read the timestamps they are the same for each buffor. For example for 4 received messages I get:

  1. 880271217008
  2. 626854463829
  3. 880271217008
  4. 626854463829

Do you have any suggestion what can be wrong?

Best Regards,

I have the same issue. Does anyone have a solution?

Problem can be fixed by calling the following functions after wakeup.
dwt_setdblrxbuffmode (DBL_BUF_STATE_EN, DBL_BUF_MODE_MAN);//Enable double buff - Manual mode
dwt_configciadiag (DW_CIA_DIAG_LOG_MIN);//Enable diagnostic mode - minimal