The server name or address could not be resolved

I started with a clean reboot.
Closed all apps that start on login. (e.g. Outlook, Teams)
On install using the InstallQSPICE.exe installer: Downloaded 10/30/2024
Yes, Install as Admin
Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device? … Yes
Do you wish to download and install QSPICE?
It is recommended that you close all other applications. (all apps are closed.) … Yes
After that the app hangs until it is closed.
Thank you for your help,

I just ran a test with Qspice Installer v1.09. I only received this error message when I disconnected my internet connection. If it is a company laptop, IT may have blocked certain internet access.

It is a private laptop. Do you know of anything that would trigger my Windows Security firewall?
My internet has high bandwidth and is hot for all other work.