The Motivation for SiC JFETs

The SiC JFET has significant advantages over competing technologies, particularly low on-resistance for a given chip area, known as RDS∙A, and no parameter drift even after repeated high energy transients. These are critically important for semiconductor circuit breakers and relays, which require extremely low conduction loss, completely reliable switching both normally and during an emergency, and a service life of 20+ years. The SiC JFET is the centerpiece of a semiconductor circuit breaker (SCB) or relay, supported by readily available, low-cost components in a simple, reliable design. Most SCB applications require a normally off state during power-up, whereas some semiconductor relays require a normally on state. The normally on Qorvo SiC JFET works well for both because it is kept in a normally off state with the addition of a few simple components, even without control power.

For more info, please see the SiC JFET Primer, and the SiC JFET User Guide.