I have bought your product QM33120WDK1. But I can’t detect the COM port with QM33110EVB and QM33120EVB. I have checked the Quick_start_Guide and User_Guide and followed the instructions of the manuals , but there are no solutions to it. Can you help me?
Can you confirm that you are using the USB port on the long side of the blue board? Which operating system are you using? Are you seeing this issue with both of the boards that came in the QM33120WDK1 kit?
If you are using Windows, can you check to see if you see the port in Device Manager or if using Unix can you share the output of lsusb command.
Yeah, I am using the USB port on the long side of the blue board.
The operating system is Windows. And the two boards are facing the same problem. In fact, I have bought two kits. And both failed.
I have checked the device manager but I can’t detect the COM port in device manager.
Did you try using a different USB port on the PC side or a different PC overall?
I guess you’d just have to use trial-and-error on this one.
Kind regards
Yeah, I have tried all the methods you mentioned above. Still can’t work. It’s really weird. Is there anything else I need to consider after getting the products?
And by the way, are there any other detailed documents about the kit except User_Guide and Quick_Start_Guide? And how can I access the source code of the kit? I am not sure wheter the QM33 DK Software, Sources, Tools and Developer Guide is for it?