Tags dropping off network

I’m developing a very basic postioning system with 30 tags and 12 anchors in a small warehouse using PANS 2.0 and a RPI 3B+ as a gateway. The tags are set to 5hz with responsive mode off. The issue I am having is that tags stop reporting any location data, and do not recover until they leave the area with the anchors/gateway or are power cycled. It is quite intermitent, but does seem to affect all the tags, at random intervals.

Has anyone experienced something similar or have any idea what could be causing this behavior?

Hi @asmi242 ,

PANS 2.0 is for demo purpose only. There is an upgrade version with name as PANS PRO RTLS PANS PRO RTLS — LEAPS which includes improvements and bugs fixing. Please contact us if you are interesting.

Thanks & Best Regards,