[.step] [.meas] - measurements fail when TSTART is parameterized and stepped


While using QSPICE i’ve dicovered that .meas fuctions are not working correctly when TSTART is parameterized and changes in every step. To illustrate the issue here is a simple circuit:


Without stepped parameterization the output is correct:

.meas umax max(v(u1)):
5 (at Time=0.000225)

However once .step param directive is inserted:

.step param freq 1K 10K 1K

Measurement starts to fail:

.meas umax max(v(u1)):
0 5
1 5
2 nan
3 nan
4 nan
5 nan
6 nan
7 nan
8 nan
9 nan

This doesn’t seem to happen when TSTART is set to 0 or to a fixed value

Thank you @KSKelvin for submiting bug report for me. According to Qspice challangelog

08/02/2024 Corrected an error in the post processor.

and my own tests error has been fixed.

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