Saving a Symbol created in a Parent.qsch

Symbol creation automatically from a .qsch file is great, but I can’t figure out how to save the symbol for later usage in a different high level schematic.

I think the only option is to create a symbol from scratch, and link it to the .qsch file. Am I wrong?
Ah…I just figured out I can COPY the symbol from the .parent.qsch, and paste it into a window open for symbol creation. It’s not too bad, but we really shouldn’t have to do this extra step. If we create a symbol for some circuit, chances are we are going to want to reuse it!

If you plan to reuse an autogenerate symbol and want to save few clicks, just run the autogenerate process in symbol window instead of schematic window.

You can firstly open a symbol window (File > New Symbol), copy your .subckt or .model netlist, paste in symbol window instead of schematic window.

Thanks for your response, KSKelvin! Ah…I just did as you said for a .SUBCKT text file, and it makes a symbol body that is yellow filled. What does the yellow mean? So far, I have only seen grayish symbol boxes. Also, I typically like to have a schematic inside my symbols, not a text file. I like hierarchical schematics.

I hope it’s helpful for you. The guideline by @KSKelvin.

thanks @macsky posted my reference material, and you can find more detail from “General Reference Guide”, there is a section explains what the difference between a symbol and hiearchical block.

In short, symbol can call a .subckt or .model, from embedded netlist or library. Hiearchical block calls a schematic and link to a schematic. They are similar but two completely different things.

In general, yellow is a device symbol and grey is a hiearchical block in auto generated process. You can use whatever color or drawing once you paste that in symbol window and create yours. Color has nothing to do with it feature, what defines a device symbol or hiearchical in their symbol properties.