Same circuit not work in qspice, but in LTspice worked fine

Do you have any idea why Qspice failed with the same schematic used in LTspice?

Have you resolved this issue? It seems like you deleted the LTspice test circuit. I replicated your Qspice circuit and run it netlist into LTspice. Both simulations ran with the same results. No problems were observed in Qspice. But I’m not sure if I replicated your exact circuit.

18844-1-KSK.qsch (9.1 KB)

Hi Kevin,

The original file is exactly same, but did not work.


TestCircuit.qsch (9.2 KB)


In your file TestCircuit.qsch, the issue is in the R3 resistor of 10 ohm. If you rotate de R3 resistor by 180° the simulation runs well (don’t ask me why!).


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Thanks Kevin. It seems that there is something weird with the polarity.The simulation runs well when I use the abs function for B1 and B2

This is a very fundamental topic in Spice simulation. In my entry user guide, I have two slides that discuss how current direction is defined. Spice has a long history, and people began netlisting their circuits, and no such confusion. GUIs were developed later, and it is common that there is no visual indicator showing terminal order at the schematic level (if you rotate your resistor in LTspice, you will get into trouble too). Therefore, you have to be careful if you mirror or rotate your device and need that device current into a B-source.

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Add one more slide to explain multi-terminals devices.

Thank you very much for your support.

Br. Dai