RX Timeout issue


I have disabled RX timeout like below. (zero write)

dwt_enableframefilter(DWT_FF_NOTYPE_EN); //allow data, ack frames;
// First time anchor listens we don’t do a delayed RX
// dwt_setrxaftertxdelay(0);
// dwt_setpreambledetecttimeout(0);
dwt_rxenable(DWT_START_RX_IMMEDIATE) ; // turn RX on, without delay

u32BeginMs      =       portGetTickCount();
QUEUE_RECEIVE( g_hDwEventQueue, &u32Event, portMAX_DELAY);
u32EndMs        =       portGetTickCount();

dw_event = instance_getevent(15); //get and clear this event



But, There is RX timeout event in sometimes, not every time. I have noticed it by debug message like follows.

Tag#0 report begin
TagRxC-A0 : 11746880885839.218274ps, prev int. = -5789826.220703ps
TagRxC-A1 : 11746880592181.866989ps, prev int. = -5792236.328125ps
TagRxC-A2 : 11746880896481.245756ps, prev int. = -5788981.119141ps
TagRxC-A3 : 0.000000ps, prev int. = -1000000000000.000000ps
d01c : 293657.351563ps
d02c : -10642.027344ps
d03c : 0.000000ps
Tag#0 report end

Tag#0 report begin
TagRxC-A0 : 12746875097609.298304ps, prev int. = -5788229.919922ps
TagRxC-A1 : 12746874809069.512412ps, prev int. = -5783112.355469ps
TagRxC-A2 : 12746875109331.179410ps, prev int. = -5787150.066406ps
TagRxC-A3 : 0.000000ps, prev int. = -1000000000000.000000ps
d01c : 288539.787109ps
d02c : -11721.880859ps
d03c : 0.000000ps
Tag#0 report end

Tag#0 report begin
TagRxC-A0 : 13746869309316.780418ps, prev int. = -5788292.517578ps
TagRxC-A1 : 13746869018523.387611ps, prev int. = -5790546.125000ps
TagRxC-A2 : 13746869323073.165491ps, prev int. = -5786258.013672ps
TagRxC-A3 : 0.000000ps, prev int. = -1000000000000.000000ps
d01c : 290793.394531ps
d02c : -13756.384766ps
d03c : 0.000000ps
Tag#0 report end

Tag#0 report begin
TagRxC-A0 : 14746863521712.865680ps, prev int. = -5787603.916016ps
TagRxC-A1 : 14746863228634.564206ps, prev int. = -5789888.822266ps
TagRxC-A2 : 14746863535938.752815ps, prev int. = -5787134.414063ps
TagRxC-A3 : 0.000000ps, prev int. = -1000000000000.000000ps
d01c : 293078.300781ps
d02c : -14225.886719ps
d03c : 0.000000ps
Tag#0 report end

Tag#0 report begin
TagRxC-A0 : 15746857735814.804211ps, prev int. = -5785898.060547ps
TagRxC-A1 : 15746857446148.212999ps, prev int. = -5782486.351563ps
TagRxC-A2 : 15746857750666.690990ps, prev int. = -5785272.060547ps
TagRxC-A3 : 0.000000ps, prev int. = -1000000000000.000000ps
d01c : 289666.591797ps
d02c : -14851.886719ps
d03c : 0.000000ps
Tag#0 report end


Can anyone comment about this?
Thank you in advance…