Remote modules connection via USB

Hello all,

I have a MDEK1001 kit working nicelly (using he provided Android apk).

One of the DWM1001-DEV development boards is conected to a PC via USB. This connection is also working nice, and I can communicate with the local module DWM1001.

However, I would like to comunicate with the other remote DWM1001 modules. For example, I would like to build a PC local application to set the other DWM1001 modules positions (X,Y,Z). This is done quite easilly in the Android app but I like to do this with our own PC application.

I do not find in any of the documents I am working with (DWM1001 firmware and API guides) any info on how to communicate with the other remote devices. Maybe I am missing something in the above documents or I am not using the correct ones.

Any help is wellcome.

Thank you in advance.


An Anchor or Tag configured in passive mode, connected to a PC via USB VCOM, will show (on a terminal program) all Tags in UWB range location (x,y,z) data. Just use the ‘lec’ or ‘les’ commands. You do not need to communicate as such the data is made available through the listener.

Hi Kenneth, thank you for your answer.

Yes, I can send commands and requests to the board the PC is connected with (commands described in the DWM1001 API guilde).
However, I need to send also commands and requests to the remote anchors. For example, I need to set the positions, but not for the local node connected to the PC, but for the remote ones. For the local board I know I can use either of the serial commands ‘dwm_pos_set’ or ‘aps’, but how can I address the remote anchors?. Also, maybe I need to change the configuration of any of the other anchors in the network.

I guess it can be done because with the Android app I can set these positions for the remote nodes. Can this be done also via the serial communication with the local node? How? Must these be done via bluetooth? How?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards

Hello again,

Maybe I have not explained myself…

In UWB networks it is possible to send frames, from any node in the network, to any other node.

What I am asking is if there is any API function to set the location properties of a remote node (for example the position coordinates), using a node connected to either a microcontroller (via UART or SPI) or a PC (via USB or RS232).

(I thought that the Android app only communicates to the tag by bluetooth, and then, the tag communicates with the other DWM1001 boards through UWB frames (not only for ranging functions, but also to set the boards properties like position, led status, etc.). But maybe the boards properties are also set via bluetooth from the Android app directly.)

Sorry for my bad english.

Best regards


Configuring the Anchors and Tags over the UWB network will be supported in Release 2. With that release, a web page connected through a Raspberry PI gateway to a bridge node will support this.

Thank you.
Waiting for Release 2!

@Kenneth_Dwyer_DW Now that release 2 is out could you explain the easiest way to remotely configure anchors/tags through a bridge node?

Please refer to the latest documentation in the release for details on setting up the MQTT etc