Read out the results from .meas command external (e.g. Python)

Hello everyone,
I have a simulation in which I perform some .meas calculations. With LTspice you could read the results in the .log file later and use them for further processing.

Is there also such a possibility with QSPICE to read out the results externally, e.g. from a text file?

Unfortunately I have not yet found an option for this.

If someone already has experience or a workaround I would be very grateful if this could be shared here.

Best regards

If you are considering to save an output file for .meas, here are two methods
(I put all these into my command guide, if you need more information, you can download this guide from my Github: Command Reference Guide by KSKelvin.pdf )

  1. Run from QSPICE GUI
    How do I generate an output file for .meas? - QSPICE - Qorvo Tech Forum

  2. Run with batch command

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Thank you so much. This is what I was looking for!
I don’t know why I didn’t find your post while using the forum search function.

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