Running QSPICE without internet connection is currently not possible which is a problem. I updated QSPICE today and terminated my internet connection and ran QSPICE again and get this message.
Clicking to exit this message immediately shuts down QSPICE which makes it impossible to use it in any location that does not have internet service even when it has been properly installed. My own computer connects to the internet occasionally and just to do specific updates and usually has no internet connection.
Also why does it say 31 days when it was just updated less than an hour ago?
I think that QSPICE should be able to run once installed and not require a internet connection 100% of the time.
I would imagine that the updated version is being used. since I installed it in C:/QSPICE and the shortcut on the desktop is correct. There is no QSPICE folder in the program folder.
I do see that even though the installer during a update says it deletes all files in the current installed folder that this is not actually correct as can bee seen by looking at the date modified info. The two .dll files retained the date of the last install, as does the dm folder. Thus not everything actually gets deleted and reinstalled during a update.
In QUX.exe: It has been %d days since you’ve checked in over the internet for QSPICE updates.
Now if you look at the variable %d and how many hundreds of times it is used in the software for writing values to many different things which leads to the possibility that the wrong value is being written to the last update day %d, or possibly it is not set to the proper default value during program start up. The 31 days stays consistent no matter what. Clearing the warning should not terminate the program since updates can be started manually. Thus I think it is likely just a use-age counter for development work.
31 days may actually be the value for a 32 pin component.
The real problem is that it is being assumed that there is always going to be a internet connection and that the current software cannot be started without their being a internet connection.
This is really bad since it makes the software not being able to be used. From a business point of view this would effectively put you out of business until you travel to a location with internet service or such a time when internet service is restored. Its equal to a single point of failure that needs to be fixed.
Software that will not run on its own without a internet connection during or after startup cannot be trusted to do its intended job.
I really do not understand why updating has priority over actually running and using the software. Disconnect your internet connection and try start the software. Push the OK button on the update POPUP that appears and it will terminate the program immediately.
You cannot assume that the internet will always be available, stuff happens and thus the software must be installable without internet connectivity and be insured to to run properly with out the internet being present. Its a reiability issue.
This is not the first time this topic has been discussed in this forum. The search history may help, or you can refer to the reference I list.
The major reason is that Qspice was only launched a year ago, and it is still frequently updated for bug fixes and feature improvements. This setup is intentional by Mike Engelhardt (Qspice developer) to remind users to keep updating Qspice to prevent reporting issues that have already been solved. People may want an offline version, but they may not realize that as an example since I started using Qspice in August 2023, every bug report I submit to Mike is normally fixed within one to two days. Mike works daily on Qspice unless he is out of town. In this update rate, the offline version may cause more harm than good. Imagine people reporting same bug which may already fixed only because they didn’t update the software for a software that still in active development since it launched.
By the way, Qorvo doesn’t rule out an offline version if you refer to Jeff Strang’s answer.
If you have been using Qspice from the beginning, you would have seen Qspice release this “internet” requirement throughout this year. It started from forcing uninstallation after a month of not updating, to currently allowing the suppression of auto-update detection for weeks.
Frankly, now we have the option to suppress updates for weeks, so why is it a problem if an internet connection may not be frequently available?
If you are looking for a complete offline version, maybe officially raise your concern (go to Qspice Help > About). Qspice is more stable now, but it is still actively evolving. Just don’t expect to use Qspice like LTspice/Pspice etc… which has been developed over many years, or you will be disappointed.
For those .DLLs, I submitted this question to Mike, and he confirmed that Windows make it very difficult to update them. But those .DLLs are updated very rarely.
Well, I never experience pop up with a 31 days warning message. If you update your Qspice but still receiving that warning, may be you better contact Mike for a review. Or you manually delete your Qspice folder and reinstall everything?
If you never experience the 31 day warning then you are likely connected to the internet when you start QSPICE or your not using the same version as the download site supplies. Perhaps you are on a development network.
Here is what I get if I disconnect my internet connection using the windows control panel. I think that the 31 days Warning is equal to three weeks. Pushing the OK button immediately terminates the program. And that is the issue that I have.
Now if I enable my internet connection using the control panel and start QSPICE I get the popup that gives some options.
However disconnect the internet again and the 31 day popup comes back when starting QSPICE with no ability to run it without enabling the internet again. I have to do this every time.
Obviously QSPICE is looking for some informatioin that is not being properly saved.
I had to put this is a separate post because only one picture is allowed per post.
Now if this were to appear all the time there would not be a problem. I’m thinking that this may have something to do with the automatic deletion of the temporary files when QSPICE is terminated.
OK, I get what you mean… I change my system date, turn off my internal connect, and open Qspice, it will give me this 31 days warning and force close the program.
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