Thanks Tom! We look forward to users’ feedback.
I forgot to mention that you don’t have to buy EAGLE separately. There are also free trial versions for download, which are completely sufficient for drawing the schematics. Maybe the converter works with the 6 versions of EAGLE. It will certainly not work with earlier versions before 6, because they use a different file format. With later versions after 7 it should also work, tested is only with 7.7.
I have now found a bug in the program that prevents it from working on their computer. For testing, I had set the file pointers to a fixed path. Since the path is present on my computer, I did not notice the error. Sorry.
Will fix the problem, test well and then upload the program again.
Sorry Tom
The problem is fixed. It is not necessary to have EAGLE installed to test the converter. You can also start it from the console, specifying an EAGLE schematic file. The included file “QTest.sch” is used for this purpose. The call from console is ./qeagle QTest.sch. The converter and the schematics file must be in the same directory, otherwise the path must be specified when calling. If everything has worked, the converter only reports “Ready”.
This creates the file “QTest.qsch” in the same directory. This file can be opened and edited with QSpice. It is the circuit with OpAmp from the notes.
The schematic, rename to “QTest.sch”:
QTest.h (16.2 KB)
The converter, rename to “qeagle”:
qeagle.h (131.2 KB)
Now I have extended the notes with a functional test in the terminal without EAGLE and changed some small things in the program.
QEagleBeta.pdf (1.6 MB)
The schematic, rename to “QTest.sch”:
QTest.h (9.4 KB)
The converter, rename to “qeagle”:
qeagle.h (131.2 KB)
Hi Tom. Question, will the direction be forced to change in less than three years when Eagle is discontinued? Seems many users are migrating to KiCAD or (gulp) Altium.
Hello MJones
The development of EAGLE 7 has been stopped for years. But this is not a disadvantage, but an advantage for me. This way is sure that the file format will not change anymore.
To write a converter for current CAD programs I see as a task of the manufacturers of these programs.
Since there is no feedback on the function of the converter, I am afraid that it will not work on other computers. That’s a pity, but because I can’t check it, publishing the doc and the program further until the problem is solved makes no sense.
I’ve tried using GE-Proton8-14 which is Wine staging with full Vulkan support and dvdx conversion.
Similar issues. Black screen on background, and while small schematics run fast and have no artifacting, loading up the PSU demo falls flat. It takes several seconds to render and has artifacts all over the trace output, suggesting it is still CPU rendering. I used AMD so maybe someone can try Intel to see if somehow that makes a difference, as this should work, it works fine for everything else I’ve thrown at it.
Hi QS,
this 4 steps I used to run Qspice in Linux (Ubuntu Mate). Hope this help.
Install Qspice
It runs like a charm! Enjoy! Toni.
Hello Viticleri
Nice to learn that there is now a solution to the problem. Unfortunately, however, you have to install Windows for it.
For some, however, this is certainly a suitable way. Thanks for this interesting and useful information.
Now the converter works already useful, it does not need to be able to do much more for me. It should not replace QSpice, but help to bridge the time until QSpice works usable under Linux.
The developer notes:
QEagleBeta.pdf (2.1 MB)
The converter, rename to “qeagle” (without extend):
qeagle.h (135.6 KB)
The basic library, rename to “QSpice.lbr”:
QSpice.h (57.9 KB)
How it works is described in the notes (PDF). Tom
Is there any progress with QSPICE on Linux? I still have the black screen problem, and even though I appreciate @TomA 's work, it is too much of a hassle. I also installed a Virtual Machine with Windows and it works there. Unfortunately, Virtual Machines are not perfect, mine is a tad sluggish and looks lo-fi, it doesn’t make use of the entire computer resources, plus it overloads the computer more than if using the OS itself.
So what I ended up doing is installing Windows on a different drive, but, still, I have to reboot and load Windows if I want to use QSPICE. To be honest, I love QSPICE, but I’ve just been using LTSpice due to practical reasons.