QSPICE Forum Schematic Capture "ACT72350 BLDC Motor Driver"

For this week’s QSPICE schematic capture, we have a new advanced BLDC controller driving a very cool motor model created by our friend Krismon Budiono. His original post on this model is linked in the comments section. (Schematic Capture Post #021) Please send any schematic capture submissions to me at tim.mccune@qorvo.com

ACT72350.qsch (45.7 KB)

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Fatal error: Could not find sixstep.dll

This example is included in Qspice and can be found by right-clicking on ACT72350 and selecting “Open example schematic.” In short, all necessary files to run this schematic are included if latest Qspice is fully installed. However, as discussed in another thread, it seems you are encountering problems installing the most updated version of Qspice, so it’s unclear if this is the reason you are missing the sixstep.dll file. Be cautious of any chance that your antivirus software or your corporate IT (if using an office computer) may have blocked files during installation. I have two computers, one running Windows 10 and the other running Windows 11, both running the latest version of Qspice without any issues.


Thank you, I found it

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