Qorvo One TWR GUI program (nRF52840DK + DWM3000(DW3110))

Is it possible to use the ‘Qorvo One TWR’ GUI program of ‘DW3_QM33_SDK_1.0.0’ with the H/W configuration below?

*H/W: nRF52840DK + DWM3000(DW3110)
*BIN: nRF52840DK-DW3_QM33_SDK_UCI-FreeRTOS.hex

After downloading BIN, ‘connection’ to GUI program is performed normally, but no data is uploaded when ‘running’

① BIN download → ok
② connect Devices in GUI(Qorvo one TWR) → ok

③ ‘Save and Start’ → not working

I hope you can help me utilize this program in my current configuration.

Hi @SIKS , this should be possible. The reason why you are not seeing any data might be related to antenna delay calibration (or an absence thereof). I would recommend to click Configure for each device and import a calibration file as a reference. You can use this file as a reference: SDK\Tools\uwb-qorvo-tools\scripts\device\load_cal\calib_files\QM33120WDK1\jolie_omni_non_aoa.json.

This should get you started and then you can fine tune the antenna delay. Please make to put the boards at least a few feet apart in this case as without a calibration antenna delay, it will show 0 cm at close distances.