QM33120WDK1: using a different laptop for each device


the setup proposed in the QM33120WDK1 user guide involves one laptop connected to the two devices via USB cables. This limits the distance at which the devices can be positioned.
¿Is there a way to make the kit work with two laptops, each of them connected to only one of the devices? Thank you in advance!

Hi @EMA ,

It’s not possible with the current SDK unfrotunately.
This will be possible with the new SDK which will be released soon.

Thank you Wassim. I guess that at least we can replace the cables with longer ones of the same type in order to allow larger distances. Or is there any reason why the cables provided by the kit are so short?


I would like to ask if there have been any updates to this issue. Since there have been software updates, is it now possible to make the kit work with two different laptops, each of them connected to only one of the devices? Thanks!

Hi @EMA ,

That’s right.
This issue has been fixed in the new SDK.

Thanks for the quick answer Wassim. Is it also possible to have only one laptop connected to the first device by cable, and the second device connected only to a power bank without any cable to the laptop? This setup was very useful with the old EVK1000 with DecaRanging, the second device did not use any cable, due to wireless communication.

Hi @EMA ,

Right, this is possible.
For the second device which will be connectred to a power bank, you need first to flash it with the “CLI” Binary. And then you can use the command “SETAPP” to start automatically after reboot.
For example, you can set the application by default to be FiRa Responder. In this case, after reboot and powering up the device with Power bank, it will start automatically as a FiRa responder device.

Hi Wassim,

I’ve been studying this new way to use the equipment but I’m afraid that the app you offer as example ‘Tera Term Open Source Projec’ is not compatible with MACos. Could you recommend an alternative to it?

In addition, I would like to ask you if the serial terminal app must be runned with the cable already connected to the J2 port.


Hi @serramric ,

Sorry for the late answer.

Here is capture from the Quick Start Guide document in the SDK.
That would be the J3 port actually for UART/USB communication.

There should be a lot of other terminal emulator program alternative to Tera Term which are compativle with MACos.
If you want use command line, “Screen” may be a good option.