QM33120WDK1: Qorvo GUI not showing results when connecting each devices to different computer

Hi Team,
We have purchased Qorvo QM33120WDK1 Development Kit, Currently we are using “DW3 QM33 SDK 0.1.1 Release” for Evaluation and the query below.

  1. The Refresh rate for updating the Responder’s Direction and Range values in QorvoOne GUI is too fast , is there any way to make it slowly?. For example update the Direction and Range value for every 1 second in QorvoOne GUI. and most of the time it showing different value for the same position of Initiator and Responder.

  2. If we setup the kit as proposed in “QM33120WDK1/QorvoOne_GUI/Doc/Qorvo-One-User-Guide-v0.7.pdf” guide [The Initiator & Responder devices connected to same laptop via USB] and observed responder Direction & Range value in QorvoOne GUI, but if we connect the devices to different Laptop, the Initiator GUI Direction & Range always shows value as 0?? . Is there any suggestions to work with different Laptops, so we could able to evaluate the devices with more distance easily.

Thanks in advance…

Same question,QorvoOne-Gui seems not support that, i have tried to run uci_uart_fira_test.py and it works with different laptops