PWM (+t v) syntax does not work

I have a large collection of PWM waveform sources using syntax PWM ({starttime} t0) (+t1 v1) (+t2 v2)…
Using incremental time allows me to time-shift the waveforms (and make combinations).
They work in LTspice, but not in Qspice. Is there a simple way to re-use them in Qspice?

Not sure how you do it in LTspice; I cannot recall a source with the syntax PWM.

In Qspice, for the V-source, you have an instance parameter “Trigger” to control the source triggering. By using a compare statement with time > [Tstart], you can control when the source is triggered. Here is a demonstration of PWL V-source as your reference.

PWL - Trigger.qsch (1.0 KB)

This is interesting, thanks. Its another way to shift waveforms.
However I was hoping to re-use my existing work that uses the incremental time syntax. I created al large collection of those in the past.