PV Modeling error

Hi all,
I followed the tutorial to create a PV model on the following channel : https://youtu.be/ox0UtYe4owI?si=Kma3S6VmukC0TLoh
but when I run it an error occurs, is there something wrong with the model I created?


PV_Model.qsch (6.9 KB)

Just run your simulation file and can obtain this result, which match the simulation result in that YouTube video at 13:31. Are you using the most updated version of Qspice? Or are you referring to another schematic file that you are trying to use?

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This can be simulated after I updated my Qspice version, but why are the results different?

x-axis range should be 0V to 50V? That the voltage range video used. Or you are saying LTspice and Qspice give different results?

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I didn’t pay attention to the x-axis, now it’s the same.
Thank You

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