Putting in a unknown IC and connect to it

Hello to all,

I am trying to help out some people whoe are reverse engineering a chinees tool as to be able to re-write the firmware into something with hopefully a lot less bugs.

to do so I need to put an (for me) unknown IC in the netwerk, which I delieve to be an ADC but could be very wrong here.

all I know is that is is an square IC with 12 connections on each side and some of these are connected to capacitors.
So to connect theses capacitors, I need to draw this IC.

How would I go about that.

Additionally I need to add a 1720M solid state relay and a 4051 CMOS switch.

kind greats, matthieu

To solve this problem, you must know what the circuit is supposed to do. Then you must know what types of circuits perform the desired function. You can then try to match the ICs that perform those functions with the IC on your board. Eliminate all potential ICs that don’t have matching package types. Check which pins in your unknown package are connected to the power and ground pins. Some (or most) of those pins are the power pins. Eliminate any potential ICs that don’t have power and ground pins matching your power nets. If you are lucky, you only have a few possible matches left over. Check to see if the inputs and outputs match any of your existing possible matches.
Good luck!