I ran into an issue when using the beta PDOA kit. The node no longer works with the desktop software, and i’m wondering what went wrong and what I can do to make the node work with the desktop app again.
The node worked fine out of the box, with the desktop application. I could connect the node to my computer, run the app, and see the location of the tags. Then I attempted to modify the node’s firmware to include diagnostic reports. After that the node was no longer detected by the desktop application. I used j-link to flash the provided hex file but still no change.
Note that the board isn’t bricked. I can debug the example project.
The software i’m referring to was included in the kit. I used the following:
the provided Segger project, located here: BETA_PDOA_KIT_RELEASE_1.0\Software\Sources\dwm1002\examples\dw_pdoa_node
the provided hex file, located here: BETA_PDOA_KIT_RELEASE_1.0\Software\ARM_Hex\dwm1002_node
the provided desktop application, located here: BETA_PDOA_KIT_RELEASE_1.0\Software\PC_GUI
Just repeated your steps - downloaded the complete package, updated node’s FW from the package and started PC app - it works.
One possible suggestion - if you plug in the USB cable to node’s lower socket and nothing happens (no blinking LEDs) - press the Reset button(SW2, the top one) - I think the problem is in the USB initialization.
If board is blinking - check the USB Serial device, does it appear in the Device List?
If the tag is also connected to your PC - try to disconnect it, launch the PC app and connect tag again (PC app tries to connect to the tag’s debug port and fails to do it).