Hi there, I’m trying to understand basics of DWM3001CDK. I downloaded the development guide and all the tools provided. importing the project in Segger Studio i was able to build the project by no modificating anything. I have a problem flashing the firmware on the board since the D20 led is fixed on red and i don’t understand how to proceed.
Thank you in advance.
Hi @Antonello ,
Can you please provide more details and caputres on how you’re trying to flahs.
You can also use JFlashLite to load hex file easily.
I have been using the DWM3001cdk for a couple of months now and I haven’t had any trouble with the firmware upload or software download until today. When i connect the board to my laptop using usb, the jlink debugger is unable to connect to the board. The d12 and d11 leds are constantly on as well. I don’t know what i did to trigger this. Is this a faulty board or did something trigger this? Is there any way to reverse or fix the problem?
Thank you in advance
I figured it out, there was a component that connects the 2 pin near the micro-usb connector that was missing