Printf in ss_twr_resp example not compiling


I would like to add UART to the ss_twr_resp example downloaded from GitHub.
In the ss_twr_init example printf sends data over the serial terminal. I would like to do the same in the responder example but I cannot get it to work. If I add printf to the program I get the following error:

> Building ‘ss_twr_resp’ from solution ‘ss_twr_resp’ in configuration ‘nrf52832_xxaa’
> Linking ss_twr_resp.elf
> C:/Program Files/SEGGER/SEGGER Embedded Studio for ARM 5.10/lib/libc_v7em_fpv4_sp_d16_hard_t_le_eabi.a(libc2.o): in function printf': libc2.c:(.text.libc.printf+0x3c): undefined reference to __putchar’
> Build failed

I’ve tried the following based on differences between ‘ss_twr_init’ and ‘ss_twr_resp’:

1- Adding “app_uart_fifo.c” and “retarget.c” (that originally only appeared on ‘ss_twr_init’) into nRF_Libraries in ‘ss_twr_resp’.

2- Adding “UART.c” into the ‘ss_twr_resp’ directly.

Also adding in the main.c program (in ss_twr_resp) to initialize UART and use the printf command:
boUART_Init ();
printf(“Singled Sided Two Way Ranging ResponderExample \r\n”);


After doing all of this and compiled, the same error appeared:
> Building ‘ss_twr_resp’ from solution ‘ss_twr_resp’ in configuration ‘nrf52832_xxaa’
> Linking ss_twr_resp.elf
> C:/Program Files/SEGGER/SEGGER Embedded Studio for ARM 5.10/lib/libc_v7em_fpv4_sp_d16_hard_t_le_eabi.a(libc2.o): in function printf': libc2.c:(.text.libc.printf+0x3c): undefined reference to __putchar’
> Build failed

Further observations:

The only thing I’ve found that could give me a clue about what’s missing is that in ‘ss_twr_resp’, the “retarget.c” library hasn’t any number on the right hand side. In the ‘ss_twr_init’ example, in which the printf works, the “retarget.c” has a number when compiled.

Also in the “retarget.c” dependencies folder in ‘ss_twr_init’, there’s the following ‘.h’ that are missing on it’s ‘ss_twr_resp’ counterpart:


Is it because the previous problem?

Any suggestions how to do this?
Thanks in advance