Primary winding on X transformer symbol

I’m new to QSPICE and trying to set up an isolated converter, and couldn’t for the life of me figure out why my simulation wasn’t even remotely working. The answer was I had managed to flip the (4 coil) transformer symbol horizontally and, since the symbol is symmetric, I couldn’t tell.

It would be great if there was some kind of visual marker on the symbol for which coil is the primary, since all of the parameters are relative to that one. A little P next to the dot, something like that.

You can identify the pin from symbol properties, refer to below example in highlight ×1 PRI+ pin.
As Qspice standard symbol may not meet everybody taste, a simple way to resolve it is to build your own library. I have alternative Qspice symbol in my symbol library. Here are 6 ×-Device (transformer) with winding label, and inversed secondary.

Qspice/Symbols/qspice-alternative at main · KSKelvin-Github/Qspice

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