Plot x-axis font size

Is there a way to change the font size for the plot x-axis? The size is too small when an image gets exported and goes into a document, the plot and data quality remains fine but the x-axis gets distorted (the y-axis is large enough). If this is not a feature to edit the font sizes for the x and y axis it might be a good idea.

How do you export a plot where the x-axis font size gets distorted? I ran a simple example with x and y axes having the same font size for their legend and tick labels in waveform viewer.

By right-clicking on the plot in waveform viewer, selecting “Copy Bitmap to Clipboard,” and pasting it into a document, it can maintain the same ratio. I typically adjust the waveform window size to obtain a reasonable text size in capturing a bitmap.

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Thank you. I know about the image exporting method. I think I was misunderstood. Apologies. Perhaps should have said the font size of the tick values.

The problem is however that the text is too small when it goes into a document, when printed it will not be clear enough, increasing the font size would solve this problem. See the attached image.

Oh, I see, this is one of my struggles, and I have to adjust the window size to capture a bitmap to balance the waveform and text size. However, this may sacrifice some details in the waveform as a tradeoff.

I am afraid that I have to go and manually update the text on the axis for 70+ images either in paint or in Word itself. Was hoping for a way to edit these parameters before exporting. :fearful:

I do it this way:

  1. Set the print settings to A6
  2. Click Print Preview
  3. Either copy to clipboard or print to doPDF
  4. You can choose any printer and any paper size (different font heights)



Envelope #6

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Thanks for the advice. I have been playing around with this since I have seen your comment.

The quality of the image export built into the plot interface is still better but the *.pdf exports provides methods to simplify the editing process. Will use this method if all else fails.

A built in feature where the settings are saved like in LTSpice would be better, saves a lot of editing and steps. Selecting the font and the font size for simulation output.

Will play around, have not tried doPDF 7 yet.

If we continue to develop the pdf-theme, the pdf-file can then be opened in Inkscape and the desired font and size can be set.

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I learned something from which will solve the topic here.

Reduce the window size when capturing the bitmap. The text will be larger then.

Same graph captured using different window sizes.

Just find the optimal size on your screen to capture graphs.

Thanks Mike!