Output of DW3000-with-STM32-AT-Command - HardFault_Handler error


I’m struggling with understanding the debugging log on my tag device. I have 1 tag and 6 anchors. I have given each one a unique ID according to their function. The tag gives the correct range values but the device keeps on repeating the same error HardFault_Handler error log. I have looked through ESP32 WROVER-B datasheet, UWB AT Module AT Command Manual(v1.0.8), at command datasheet and I can’t find the error log information details. I’m not sure what BootT means, Error_Bit1:85, Error_Bit2:0, Error_Bit3:0, Error_Bit4:0, Error_Bit5:0. I’m trying to send the range data over serial to my teensy 4.1 device to determine the (x,y) position of my object.

Can you please assist me?

Things I have tried:

  • Different power supply
  • Different devices

Here is the error log:

Master/Slaver flash normal
ReadCheck MasterCheck��52524679 SlaverCheck52524679
System Parameter
UWB Module Compile:15:25:17 Feb 23 2024
UWB Module Software:v01_00_008
UWB Module Hardware:v01_03_000
UWB Module Flag:AAAA
UWB Module BootT:87
UWB Module Error_Bit1:85, Error_Bit2:0, Error_Bit3:0, Error_Bit4:0, Error_Bit5:0
UWB Module Role:Tag, Id:0, Rate:850K, Filter:1, AntTx:16408, AutoRpt:1, PA:1

portGetTickCnt:1385, scale:0.817, rtcCount1733
Tag start run, Id:0, Rate:850K

Processing AT+RANGE response
Range 1: 185.00
Range 2: 221.00
Range 3: 173.00
Range 4: 116.00
Range 5: 173.00
Range 6: 274.00
Sent range data: 185.00,221.00,173.00,116.00,173.00,274.00


Processing AT+RANGE response
Range 1: 185.00
Range 2: 219.00
Range 3: 172.00
Range 4: 116.00
Range 5: 173.00
Range 6: 276.00
Sent range data: 185.00,219.00,172.00,116.00,173.00,276.00

Master/Slaver flash normal
ReadCheck MasterCheck��5252467B SlaverCheck5252467B
System Parameter
UWB Module Compile:15:25:17 Feb 23 2024
UWB Module Software:v01_00_008
UWB Module Hardware:v01_03_000
UWB Module Flag:AAAA
UWB Module BootT:88
UWB Module Error_Bit1:86, Error_Bit2:0, Error_Bit3:0, Error_Bit4:0, Error_Bit5:0
UWB Module Role:Tag, Id:0, Rate:850K, Filter:1, AntTx:16408, AutoRpt:1, PA:1

Here is my code:

#include <dw3000.h>
#include <dw3000_config_options.h>
#include <dw3000_device_api.h>
#include <dw3000_mac_802_15_4.h>
#include <dw3000_port.h>
#include <dw3000_regs.h>
#include <dw3000_shared_defines.h>
#include <dw3000_shared_functions.h>
#include <dw3000_types.h>
#include <dw3000_uart.h>
#include <dw3000_vals.h>
#include <dw3000_version.h>

#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <SPI.h>

// Configuration settings
#define TAG
#define UWB_INDEX 0
#define FREQ_850K
#define UWB_TAG_COUNT 32

// Define serial connections
#define SERIAL_LOG Serial
#define SERIAL_AT mySerial2
HardwareSerial SERIAL_AT(2);

// Define pin assignments
#define RESET 32
#define IO_RXD2 18
#define IO_TXD2 19

#define I2C_SDA 4
#define I2C_SCL 5

Adafruit_SSD1306 display(128, 64, &Wire, -1);

// Initialize global variables
long int runtime = 0;
String response = “”;
String rec_head = “AT+RANGE”;

// Variables to store the range values
float rangeValues[6] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};

// Setup function runs once at startup
void setup() {
pinMode(RESET, OUTPUT); // Set RESET pin as output
digitalWrite(RESET, HIGH); // Initialize RESET to high

// Initialize serial connections
SERIAL_LOG.begin(115200); // Start SERIAL_LOG at 115200 baud
SERIAL_AT.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1, IO_RXD2, IO_TXD2); // Start SERIAL_AT

SERIAL_AT.println(“AT”); // Send AT command to initiate communication
Wire.begin(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL);

// SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC = generate display voltage from 3.3V internally
if (!display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C)) { // Address 0x3C for 128x32
SERIAL_LOG.println(F(“SSD1306 allocation failed”));
for (;;); // Don’t proceed, loop forever

// Send initial configuration AT commands
sendData(“AT?”, 2000, 1);
sendData(“AT+RESTORE”, 5000, 1);
sendData(config_cmd(), 2000, 1);
sendData(cap_cmd(), 2000, 1);
sendData(“AT+SETANT=16408”, 2000, 1);
sendData(“AT+GETCFG?”, 2000, 1);
sendData(“AT+SETRPT=1”, 2000, 1);
sendData(“AT+SAVE”, 2000, 1);
sendData(“AT+RESTART”, 2000, 1);

// Main loop function runs repeatedly after setup
void loop() {
// Check for data from SERIAL_AT and process it
while (SERIAL_AT.available() > 0) {
char c = SERIAL_AT.read(); // Read next character
if (c == ‘\r’) continue; // Ignore carriage return
else if (c == ‘\n’ || c == ‘\r’) {
// Process range response
processRangeResponse(response); // Process range response
response = “”; // Clear response string for next message
} else {
response += c; // Append character to response

// Update OLED display every second
if (millis() - runtime > 100) {
runtime = millis();

// Function to process AT+RANGE responses
void processRangeResponse(String response) {
if (response.startsWith(“AT+RANGE”)) {

// Extract and store range values
int rangeStart = response.indexOf("range:(") + 7;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
  int rangeEnd = response.indexOf(',', rangeStart);
  if (rangeEnd == -1) rangeEnd = response.indexOf(')', rangeStart);
  String rangeStr = response.substring(rangeStart, rangeEnd);
  rangeValues[i] = rangeStr.toFloat();
  rangeStart = rangeEnd + 1;

  // Debugging: Show each range value
  SERIAL_LOG.print("Range ");
  SERIAL_LOG.print(i + 1);
  SERIAL_LOG.print(": ");

// Send all range values as a single line
String rangeData = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
  if (i > 0) rangeData += ",";  // Add a comma between values
  rangeData += String(rangeValues[i], 2);  // Ensure two decimal places
SERIAL_AT.println(rangeData);  // Send the data string


// Function to update the OLED display
void updateDisplay() {

display.setCursor(0, 0);
display.print(" < Tag Device >“);
display.setCursor(0, 9);

// Display the range values
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
display.setCursor(0, 15 + i * 10);
display.print(“Range “);
display.print(i + 1);
display.print(”: “);
display.print(” cm”);
display.setCursor(0, 55);

display.setCursor(65, 55);


// Function to send AT commands and return the response
String sendData(String command, const int timeout, boolean debug) {
String response = “”; // Local variable to store the response

SERIAL_LOG.println(command); // Print command to Serial Monitor
SERIAL_AT.println(command); // Send command over serial

long int time = millis(); // Capture the current time

// Wait for a response or until timeout
while ((time + timeout) > millis()) {
while (SERIAL_AT.available()) {
char c = SERIAL_AT.read(); // Read next character
response += c; // Append character to response string

if (debug) {
SERIAL_LOG.println(response); // Print response if debugging is enabled

return response; // Return the response

// Function to generate AT+SETCFG command
String config_cmd() {
String temp = “AT+SETCFG=”;

temp += UWB_INDEX; // Add device ID to the command

// Add device role to the command
#ifdef TAG
temp += “,0”;
#ifdef ANCHOR
temp += “,1”;

// Add frequency to the command
#ifdef FREQ_850K
temp += “,0”;
#ifdef FREQ_6800K
temp += “,1”;

temp += “,1”; // Add range filter setting

return temp; // Return the command

// Function to generate AT+SETCAP command
String cap_cmd() {
String temp = “AT+SETCAP=”;

temp += UWB_TAG_COUNT; // Add Tag capacity to the command

// Add time slot duration based on frequency
#ifdef FREQ_850K
temp += “,15”;
#ifdef FREQ_6800K
temp += “,10”;

return temp; // Return the command

Problem solved.

Upload the latest hex file to the device. It is found under this website

Connect the STM link procedure to upload and verify the device is working correctly.