One tag cannot be found or see network (and flashes all LEDs)

I have a tag from my Mdek1001 dev kit that used to work fine but now can’t be seen in the Android app and it can’t see other anchors from the serial port commands. I powered up another tag and it joins the network just fine.

The tagged that suddenly stopped working is flashing it’s LED strip in an up and down pattern showing red, green and blue. Any idea what could be wrong here? This strikes me as the kind of thing you’d do to indicate an error.

Thank you

Hi @esteimle
is is not clear to me if it is tag or anchor?


It’s a tag. I think the problem is reset related. When we plug the tags in to a 5V supply sometimes they don’t work and get in this state.


Hi @esteimle
so you have DWM1001-DEV board (from MDEK) plugged via USB to PC and you are observing its position via USB (virtual UART).

If so then here is a know issue with segger firmware which hangups after some random time and only repower (unplug and plug again) can recover this. There is one solution for this - you need to download the segger package (SEGGER - The Embedded Experts - Downloads - J-Link / J-Trace) and then run J-Link Configurator which should let you update the Segger firmware.
