Measure distance using DWM 1001 in IOS [UWB - Nearby Interaction]

I’m working on an iOS app designed to measure the distance between a DW1001 module and an iPhone, using Nearby Interaction. However, I’m struggling to find comprehensive details on AccessoryConfigurationData/UWBConfigData and AppleShareableConfigurationData/configData.

Do I need to use BLE to exchange two configuration messages between the module and Apple devices? What steps should I follow to create an Accessory Configuration Data message?

Thank you

Hi Najla,

Qorvo is providing a Nearby Interaction software package for design based on DW3000 product only.

For example for DWM3001C:

We do not have NI support for DWM1001 module ; are you using a fully custom application ? In which case you may need to get access to the NI protocol implementation from Apple but you must become a partner with Apple.

Qorvo can only distribute the protocol for it’s platform in form of libraries, and we only have it for DW3xxx / QM33xx products.

Kind regards