MDEK1001 Tag Positions


I have used the MDEK1001 Development Kit to make a scenario with 4 anchors and 1 tag in a space of 30m x 10m. The anchors are placed in the corners and the tag in the center. When I apply automatic position in the application, the application returns me the positions of the anchors but no tag ?? Can you help me please.
You will find attached a screenshot of ancres and tag from the application.

Hi Essefi,

Please refer to the documentation:

The autopositionning is a feature allowing to calculate the position of anchors.

In order to see the tag position, you have to go in the grid tab.

Thank you,

Hello Essefi,
Have you added the Tag to the network? make sure you can see the Tag in the “Network Details” option under the same network as the Anchors.
a network should consist of Anchors ( one of which can be a listener) and Tags.
