Is there a way to find the peak or the max and min of plotted waveforms in Qspice? It would be great if after running a wc analysis, I could have Qspice find for me the minimum and/or the maximum value of the signal in question. As far as I can tell, the max and min functions in the waveform analyzer compare find the max/min between two variables (signals), but there is no function that just picks out the maximu or minimum value .
You can use meas statements something like this.
.meas Vmin min mag(V(out))
.meas Vmax max mag(V(out))
Then in output window you can plot it.
Best regards
Does this help?
But @ivan1 recommendation in using .meas can make it automatic and save a few click.
this is good…it hadn’t occurred to me to just use .meas and plot the parameter. Thank you.
yeah…@ivan1’s solution is the better approach. Thank you!