[Just sharing] FRA-V2 implementation with improved Fsw noise rejection

FRA-V2 (in Qspice) with faster and more accurate implementation.

Key update features are:

  1. Automatic steady-state detection to cut down the time between system reaching SS until perturbation is applied.
  2. Improved Fourier Series accuracy (esp. at high frequency) which is implemented by using Quasi-Log scale perturbation frequency range. Basically, an iterative algorithm for injection frequency selection is added to ensure that the relation between Finj and Fsw is following this rule [N/Finj = M/Fsw] with both N and M integer. This simple approach helps to suppress the measurement artifact from Fsw ripple onto the Finj signal by ensuring there is a M-complete periods of Fsw noise in the duration of fourier analysis which causes the noise to be self-canceling.
  3. The simulation result is no longer saved to .csv file (at least for now) because I find it easier to plot by directly copying the result from command terminal into spreadsheet.

The Finj from this algorithm is designed to stay within 1% of the original Logspace Finj.

Welcome to review the new FRA algorithm implementation here:

Note: I just run it again in my Laptop (on battery, and ~30% battery) without saving any of the waveform. The same simulation only need 29sec for 100 to 100kHz and 61 logspace data points



Short video on showing the speed and ease of FRA analysis in Qspice using custom FRA-V2 core with the latest update.
10Hz to 100kHz 61 logspace data points in ~35sec!

New update: direct plot in Qspice.

Special thanks to @Engelhardt @KSKelvin @RDunn
Get the update from Github : QSPICE/FRA_project/FRA-V2 at main · physicboy/QSPICE · GitHub