Impossible to enable Bluetooth on boards

hello !

I am using the RTLS app with 4 anchors and 3 tags. It’s working perfeclty with 2 anchors and 2 tags but the others are not detected. I then noticed that Bluetooth was not enabled so I used the “acas” and “acts” commands to enable it but it’s not working.
Does anyone have another way to enable Bluetooth ?

Here’s a copy of the terminal.

Usage: acas <fw_upd>
dwm> acas 0 0 0 1 1 2 0
acas: ok
dwm> si
[000724.800 INF] sys: fw2 fw_ver=x01030001 cfg_ver=x00010700
[000724.800 INF] uwb0: panid=x0001 addr=xDECA7F19CA602234
[000724.810 INF] mode: an (act,-)
[000724.810 INF] uwbmac: connected
[000724.810 INF] uwbmac: bh disconnected
[000724.820 INF] cfg: sync=0 fwup=0 ble=0 leds=1 init=0 upd_rate_stat=120 labelDW2234
[000724.830 INF] enc: off

thank you all

Hi @ghadad
your command is correct but acas/acts command needs to be followed by reset command (or power cycle) to apply new setting.

My workflow:

[000003.670 INF] sys: fw2 fw_ver=x01030001 cfg_ver=x00010700
[000003.670 INF] uwb0: panid=x0000 addr=xDECA35BD128481B9
[000003.680 INF] mode: an (off,-)
[000003.680 INF] uwbmac: disconnected
[000003.680 INF] uwbmac: bh disconnected
[000003.690 INF] cfg: sync=0 fwup=0 ble=0 leds=1 init=0 upd_rate_stat=120 label=DW81B9
[000003.690 INF] enc: off
[000003.700 INF] ble: addr=D5:2C:A6:FD:33:7F
dwm> acas 0 0 0 1 1 2 0
acas: ok
dwm> reset

DWM1001 TWR Real Time Location System

Copyright : 2016-2019 LEAPS and Decawave
License : Please visit
Compiled : Feb 5 2019 16:05:14

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dwm> si
[000002.660 INF] sys: fw2 fw_ver=x01030001 cfg_ver=x00010700
[000002.660 INF] uwb0: panid=x0000 addr=xDECA35BD128481B9
[000002.670 INF] mode: an (act,-)
[000002.670 INF] uwbmac: disconnected
[000002.670 INF] uwbmac: bh disconnected
[000002.680 INF] cfg: sync=0 fwup=0 ble=1 leds=1 init=0 upd_rate_stat=120 label=DW81B9
[000002.690 INF] enc: off
[000002.690 INF] ble: addr=D5:2C:A6:FD:33:7F

Cheers JK

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Hello again,

thank you for the reply, it worked for some of the boards but not all. I noticed that the boards that doesn’t change are the ones who do this when in tag mode and doesn’t stop at all. I don’t know how to make it stop, but I figured it’s maybe the reason why the BLE parameter did not change.

T:11105010 POS:N/A DIST0:0x0222[-2079,7080,0]=[11925,100] DIST1:0x0006[0,0,0]=[4848,100] DIST2:0x18DD[3450,0,0]=[8601,100]
x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, qf = 0
time = 11119309

T:12104428 POS:N/A DIST0:0x0006[0,0,0]=[4900,100] DIST1:0x18DD[3450,0,0]=[8770,100] DIST2:0x0222[-2079,7080,0]=[11723,100]
x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, qf = 0
time = 12118710

T:13102157 POS:N/A DIST0:0x0006[0,0,0]=[5372,100] DIST1:0x0222[-2079,7080,0]=[11222,100]
x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, qf = 0
time = 13113333

Hi @ghadad
Im not sure if you are not mixing two thinks.

  1. if you see in si “ble=1” then BLE is enabled. After the acas you can do also power cycle to activate the new parameter settings.
  2. Your tag cannot calculate its position so you will not see it on your RTLS map.
