How to use GPIO 0,1,2,3 of DWM1001c?


I’ve been trying to use the GPIO 0, 1, 2 or 3 to flash a LED when I press and hold a button for more than 5 seconds, but it doesn’t work as the other GPIOs, It says to follow the User Manual od DW1000, but even following that, I’m still struggling to make this output work to blink a LED, someone could help me?

I already tried:
#define LED_R NRF_GPIO_PIN_MAP(21) - because the pin is 21
#define LED_R NRF_GPIO_PIN_MAP(0, 1) - because is GPIO1

nrf_gpio_cfg_output(21); (for GPIO1/SFDLED, that’s pin 21)
dwt_setgpiodirection(GPIO_MSGP1_MASK, 0);
dwt_setgpiovalue(21, 1);
dwt_setgpiodirection(LED_R, 0);
dwt_setgpiovalue(LED_R, 1);

and nothing works, I have no idea what else i can do to make the GPIO1 works, or if I should focus on the GPIO0, 2 or 3 (they are the only one avaivable in my board now)

Hi @thais ,

GPIO 0, 1, 2 and 3 belongs to dwm1000. So, you need to call dwt API to control them. Below is an example to set GPIO 0 value to 1. Please help me to check if it helps.

dwt_setgpiodirection(GxM0, 0);
dwt_setgpiovalue(GxM0, GxP0);

Best Regards,