How to read the printf from user c code


I am a newbie of hardware, so forgive my silly questions

As for now, I am testing the DWM1001-DEV and I’ve read and tried to understand the user guide.
I followed the instruction of the Firmware User Guide [size=small][font=Arial]4.2.2 Compiling/debugging user application in the firmware to add user code. [/font][/size]
[size=small][font=Arial]I [/font][/size][size=small][font=Arial]followed exactly as following in the eclipse and build the project of Option 3 recover(factory reset):"[/font][/size]
[size=small][font=ArialMT]In Project Explorer view, expand project dwm, find dwm-simple.c in dwm/examples/dwm-simple/ [/font][/size]

[][size=small][font=ArialMT][size=small][font=ArialMT]Find function app_thread_entry, add in the local variable area: [/font][/size]
[size=small][font=ArialMT]dwm_pos_t pos; [/font][/size][/font][/size]
][size=small][font=ArialMT][size=small][font=ArialMT]Find while(1) in function app_thread_entry and add in the brace: [/font][/size]
printf(“x=%ld, y=%ld, z=%ld, qf=%u \n”, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, pos.qf); printf("\t\t time=%lu \n", dwm_systime_us_get());[/font][/size]
[size=small][font=ArialMT]Note: printf will send the message to through UART interface when Shell mode is [/font][/size]
[size=small][font=ArialMT]enabled. [/font][/size][/font][/size]
[][size=small][font=ArialMT][size=small][font=ArialMT]Save. [/font][/size][/font][/size]
][size=small][font=ArialMT][size=small][font=ArialMT]Build the project and eliminate errors. [/font][/size][/font][/size]
[size=x-small][font=Arial][size=small][font=ArialMT]And then I open the minicom and connect to ttyACM0 and press two “enter”s to enter the shell mode, expecting the code I just flashed will return the printf pos to me in the UART shell mode[/font][/size][/font][/size]
[size=small][font=Arial]However, I can get the data in the terminal. I am thinking I did something wrong but I don’t know what is the correct system sequence.[/font][/size]

[size=small][font=Arial]Thank you very much for the help[/font][/size]


Hi Richard,

You should not using the Option3. It is for factory reset the DWM1001. You should use Option2. FW2.
